About Us

In the dance of life, I play many parts,
A writer of words, weaving tales from the heart.
A mother's embrace, a love without measure,
Nurturing souls with boundless treasure.


An artist's brush, a canvas to paint,
Capturing beauty, in every quaint.
With yarn and needles, I knit and create,
Crafting warmth and love, stitch by stitch, mate.


And in quiet moments, when the world fades away,
I'm just a simple reader, lost in worlds astray.
For in books and stories, I find solace and delight,
A journey of wonder, in every page, every night.


So here I stand, a multi-skilled soul,
With passions and talents, an ever-changing role.
Writer, mother, artist, knitter, and reader,
Embracing each moment, with joy and with fervour.


Hey there, I'm Hope, the visionary behind this venture. Join me as we embark on this exciting journey together!

Enter the world of soap-making – my happy place. The excitement and pure joy that bubble up with each batch aren’t just about crafting soap; it's become my therapy, a mental pick-me-up in a bar.
Imagine a canvas where scent, texture, and creativity converge. It's not just soap; it's a masterpiece, a tangible expression of self-care. The process itself, from choosing ingredients to the moment you cut that first slice, is a journey worth savouring.
Having found peace and well-being through embracing a natural lifestyle, I'm opening up to share this joy. Join me in discovering the beauty of natural living, one handmade soap at a time.
Love and suds